I think we're all now VERY aware I'm a single gal in the world of obnoxious dating site messages and crude thirsty boys. There's so much more. Hi, my names's Carlie Ann. I'm a woman, a mom, a friend, an employee, a student, a sister, a daughter, a singer, a performer, a blogger, a homeowner, a nerd, a HOT MESS and everything that comes with each of those titles. I bet we share at least one of these in common. Who are you? How do you define yourself? The reason I've chosen to share my experiences, my life, with you is because we need to pull together, relate to each other and realize we're all hot messes and triumphant together. I think when life starts piling up on our shoulders we can either sink under the pressure or share our stories and hope to find common ground and maybe even humor. HOPEFULLY we can find some humor (as it tends to keep away the tears) and the weights of life won't seem as heavy. I want to be clear that I'...